What is VIDATOX?
Vidatox 30CH is an anti-tumor medicine originally discovered by Cuban medical researchers and presented to the market in 2011. It is a natural homeopathic medication derived from the venom of blue scorpion Rhopalurus Junceus found only in Cuba and Dominican Republic. Vidatox 30 CH works by stimulating the immune system and connecting to malign cells to prevent the development of new blood vessels which provide nutrients to tumors. Additionally, Vidatox 30CH has a prolonged analgesic effect which provides pain relief and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent preventing undesirable symptoms that may result from a conventional approach of tumor treatment.
The Vidatox® 30CH, is a revolutionary homeopathic compound that increases the survival rate of cancer patients while improving their quality of life. Created by LABIOFAM laboratories, this product’s active ingredient is the venom from the scorpion Rhopalurus junceus endemic in Cuba, which works by binding to the cancer cells and blocking tumor angiogenesis that supplies the tumor with the needed nutrients. Importantly, use of this product does not limit other conventional forms of treatment against cancer (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc). As of today, the product has been tested in more than 80,000 patients treated with positive results, both Cuban and abroad, whose use of the product as an adjustment therapy provides pain relief and healing as it has anti-inflammatory and pain killing effects.
Vidatox 30 CH Green - Vidatox is a drug produced from five protein peptides extracted from the venom of the blue scorpion (Rophalorus junceus), which is endemic to Cuba and which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effect in more than 15 different cancer cell lines. The result of 15 years of research, by October 2010 Vidatox had been tested on more than 10,000 cancer patients, some 3,500 of them foreigners, with positive results both in improving quality of life and stopping tumour growth.
What’s the difference between the green one and the brown one?
VidatoX 30 CH (Green version) is the original product designed by Labiofam SA (Cuban Pharma), clinically tested in 1995 and officially presented in October 2010. Today, it is used solely for the purpose of sale to Cuban domestic market and is now rarely available for sale internationally. VidatoX 30 CH (Brown design) was presented in February 2015 and replaces earlier green version of VidatoX 30 CH. VidatoX 30 CH (Brown design) has renewed and more effective formula that allows to shorten average period of treatment.
How does VIDATOX work?
The five protein peptides, contained in the venom of the blue scorpion, play the role of the nib piercing through the malign cells– these cells adhere closely to the malign formation /they have the amazing selectiveness not to be “interested” in any other cells of the human body. The blood vessels feeding the tumor formation are blocked and so is the ability of the malign formation to form new blood vessels and its feeding, and a process begins of gradual attacking, decomposing and shrinking of this formation.
Alongside with this VIDATOX ® 30CH helps the support and the enhancement of the immune system of the patient, presenting the possibility of the healthy cells to assume greater resisting force.
How to use?
Recommended dosage is 5-10 sublingual (under tongue) drops every 12 hours. Monitor for allergies, rashes or skin redness
How to store?
Store at room temperature at 30° С.
Keep away from light.
Keep away from machines generating electro-magnetic field /refrigerators, TV sets, electrical ovens, computers, mobile phones
Do not freeze!
Do not put the content into another packaging.
What our customers are saying about us:
“Speedy delivery. Arrived about 5 days before due. Have used this seller in the past. This product is not available in stores near us, so happy this seller always has it available”
“ Excellent!! Great price for your supplement”
“Great product. I ordered Green to try it out and the first effect was in about a week. I started to feel more energized through detoxification properties of Vidatox. Happy with the purchase of a great product”